Developers API Documents

proxy api
Api allows you to integrate proxy purchase into your service or application. Get your api key here

Interaction of the partner with the system, as well as the interaction of the system with the partner, is possible by GET-requests and JSON-responds. All communication uses UTF-8 coding. The answer received in different coding will lead to operation errors.

API calls made to:{api_key}/{method}/?{params}
  • api_key - Secret key, you can get it in your account;
  • method - Name of the method;
  • params - Additional parameters of the query depending on the method.
Version API 1.3 Updated in 30 Nov 2024
Change logs:
	•	2024-11-30: Added support for Cheap Rotating Residential Proxy.
	•	2023-09-10: Added support for Whitelist Rotating Residential 4.
	•	2023-06-02: Added support for Rotating Proxy IPv4 and Rotating Proxy IPv6.
	•	2022-06-28: Added support for Rotating Premium Residential Proxy.
	•	2022-05-06: Added support for Whitelist.
	•	2022-05-05: Added support for IPv6 Packages.
	•	2017-04-30: Added support for IPv6, IPv4 Private, and IPv4 Shared Proxy.

Important! The API is allowed to do no more than 3 queries in 1 second. If the limit is exceeded, error 503 will return to the extra requests.
The API will not send email notifications about the status of the order.

Available methods (Ipv4 shared,IPv4 Private and IPv6 Private)

  • getprice - Getting information about the cost of the order
  • getcount - Getting information about the available number of proxies for a specific country.
  • getcountry - Getting the list of available countries
  • getproxy - Getting the list of your proxies
  • settype - Changing the type (protocol) of the proxies.
  • setdescr - Update technical comment.
  • whitelist - Get or set IP whitelist
  • buy - Buy proxy
  • prolong - Proxy list extension.
  • refreshes - Refreshes new proxy IPv6
  • delete - Deleting a proxy.
  • check - Proxy validity check.
  • export - Export Proxy to Download or link for add to program .

Available methods for IPv6 Package proxy

Available methods for Rotating IPv4 Proxy proxy :

Available methods for Rotating IPv6 Proxy proxy :

Available methods for Rotating Premium Residential proxy :

Available methods for Rotating Cheap Residential Proxy

Username: Must be from 6 to 30 characters long. Only letters, numbers, and underscore (_) are allowed.
Password: Must be from 6 to 16 characters long. Only letters and numbers allowed.
Bandwidth : Base in GB

When addressing any API method or addressing API without method (only with key:{api_key} ), the reply would always show following values:

Successful reply:

"status": "yes",
"user_id": "1",
"balance": "68.86",
"currency": "USD"
  • status - Always "yes", if the reply is successful and no mistakes were made;
  • user_id - Account ID;
  • balance - Your current balance;
  • currency - Your account currency (USD or USD).
Incorrect reply:

"status": "no",
"error_id": 100,
"error": "Error key"
  • status - Always "no", if the reply is incorrect;
  • error_id - Error number;
  • error - Error description.

Method "getprice"

Used to get information about the cost of the order, depending on the period and number of proxy.

Method parameters:
  • count - (Required) - Number of proxies;
  • period - (Required) - Period – number of days;
  • version - Proxies version: 4 - IPv4, 3 - IPv4 Shared, 6 - IPv6 (default).{api_key}/getprice?count=100&period=30

In the example, we get information about the cost of 100 IPv6 proxies for 30 days.
In case of successful reply:

"status": "yes",
"user_id": "1",
"balance": "9.880",
"currency": "USD",
"price": 1800,
"price_single": 0.6,
"period": 30,
"count": 100
  • price - Total cost;
  • price_single - Price of one proxy;
  • period - Given period (days);
  • count - Given amount of proxies.

Method "getcount"

Displays the information on amount of proxies available to purchase for a selected country.

Method parameters:
  • country - (Required) - Country code in iso2 format
  • version - Proxies version: 4 - IPv4, 3 - IPv4 Shared, 6 - IPv6 (default){api_key}/getcount?country=ru

In the example we get information about the number of Russian IPv6 proxies available for purchase.
In case of successful reply:

"status": "yes",
"user_id": "1",
"balance": "9.880",
"currency": "USD",
"count": 971
  • count - Available amount of proxies.

Method "getcountry"

Displays information on available for proxies purchase countries

Method parameters:
  • version - Proxies version: 4 - IPv4, 3 - IPv4 Shared, 6 - IPv6 (default){api_key}/getcountry?version=4

In case of successful reply:

"status": "yes",
"user_id": "1",
"balance": "9.880",
"currency": "USD",
"list": ["ru","ua","us"]
  • list - The list of available countries in iso2 format (for version 3,4,6).

Method "getproxy"

Displays the list of your proxies

Method parameters:
  • state - State returned proxies. Available values: active - Active, expired - Not active, expiring - Expiring, all - All (default);
  • descr - Technical comment you have entered when purchasing proxy. If you filled in this parameter, then the reply would display only those proxies with given parameter. If the parameter was not filled in, the reply would display all your proxies;
  • nokey - By adding this parameter (the value is not needed), the list will be returned without keys.{api_key}/getproxy

In case of successful reply:

"list": {
"11": {
"id": "11",
"ip": "2a00:1838:32:19f:45fb:2640::330",
"host": "",
"port": "7330",
"user": "5svBNZ",
"pass": "iagn2d",
"type": "http",
"country": "ru",
"date": "2016-06-19 16:32:39",
"date_end": "2016-07-12 11:50:41",
"unixtime": 1466379159,
"unixtime_end": 1468349441,
"descr": "",
"active": "1"
"14": {
"id": "14",
"ip": "2a00:1838:32:198:56ec:2696::386",
"host": "",
"port": "7386",
"user": "nV5TFK",
"pass": "3Itr1t",
"type": "http",
"country": "ru",
"date": "2016-06-27 16:06:22",
"date_end": "2016-07-11 16:06:22",
"unixtime": 1466379151,
"unixtime_end": 1468349441,
"descr": "",
"active": "1"
  • list_count - Amount of proxies;
  • list - Proxies range;
    • id - Inner proxy ID, required to extend proxy with prolong method;
    • ip - IPv4 or IPv6 hidden behind host:port;
    • host - IPv4;
    • port - Port;
    • user - Login;
    • pass - Password;
    • type - Proxy type: http - HTTPS, socks - SOCKS5;
    • country - Country (iso2);
    • last_refreshes - Proxy last time refreshes;
    • can_refreshes - Proxy can refreshes or not;
    • auto_prolong - Proxy Auto prolong to renew;
    • date - Proxy purchase date;
    • date_end - Proxy expiry date;
    • descr - Technical comment;
    • active - Active (1) or not active (0).

Method "settype"

Changes the type (protocol) in the proxy list.

Method parameters:
  • ids - (Required) - List of internal proxies’ numbers in our system, divided by comas;
  • type - (Required) - Sets the type (protocol): http - HTTPS or socks - SOCKS5.{api_key}/settype?ids=10,11,12,15&type=socks

In the example we change the type of proxies with number 10,11,12,15 to SOCKS5.
In case of successful reply:

"status": "yes",
"user_id": "1",
"balance": "9.880",
"currency": "USD"

In case of successful type change, the method does not return any new data in the response.
If all proxies in which you want to change the type (transmitted through the ids parameter) already have the appropriate type (protocol), it will return an error response with 30 (Error unknown) number.

Method "setdescr"

Update technical comments in the proxy list that was added when buying (method  buy ).

Method parameters:
  • new - (Required) - Technical comment to which you want to change. The maximum length of 50 characters;
  • old - Technical comment to be changed. The maximum length of 50 characters;
  • ids - List of internal proxies’ numbers in our system, divided by comas.
One of the parameters must be present -  ids or  descr .{api_key}/setdescr?old=test&new=newtest

In the example we change the comment from "test" to "newtest".
In case of successful reply:

"status": "yes",
"user_id": "1",
"balance": "9.880",
"currency": "USD",
"count": 4
  • count - Amount of proxies that were chanched.

Method "whitelist"

Get or Set IP whitelist of main website

Method parameters:
  • type(Required) - get Get IP whitelist , set Set new IP whitelist
  • ip[](Required for set type) - IPv4 ip address or domain name{api_key}/whitelist?type=get 

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "100.600",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "auth_ip": [
        "auth_ip_limit": "5"
or case for set new whitelist:{api_key}/whitelist?type=set&ip[]=[]=[]=

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "100.600",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "auth_ip": [
        "auth_ip_limit": "5"

Method "buy"

Used for proxy purchase

Method parameters:
  • count - (Required) - Amount of proxies for purchase;
  • period - (Required) - Period for which proxies are purchased in days;
  • country - (Required) - Country in iso2 format (in version 3,4,6)
  • version - Proxies version: 4 - IPv4, 3 - IPv4 Shared, 6 - IPv6 (default);
  • type - Proxies type (protocol): socks or http (default);
  • descr - Technical comment for proxies list, max value 50 characters. Entering this parameter will help you to select certain proxies through getproxy method;
  • auto_prolong - By adding this parameter (the value is not needed), enables the purchased proxy auto-renewal;
  • nokey - By adding this parameter (the value is not needed), the list will be returned without keys.{api_key}/buy?count=1&period=7&country=ru

In given example we purchase 1 russian IPv6 proxy for 7 days.
In case of successful reply:

"status": "yes",
"user_id": "1",
"balance": 42.5,
"currency": "USD",
"count": 1,
"price": 6.3,
"price_single": 0.9,
"period": 7,
"country": "ru",
"list": {
"15": {
"id": "15",
"ip": "2a00:1838:32:19f:45fb:2640::330",
"host": "",
"port": "7330",
"user": "5svBNZ",
"pass": "iagn2d",
"type": "http",
"date": "2016-06-19 16:32:39",
"date_end": "2016-07-12 11:50:41",
"unixtime": 1466379159,
"unixtime_end": 1468349441,
"active": "1"
  • count - The amount of proxies you want to purchase;
  • price - Total purchase cost;
  • price_single - Price of one proxy for selected amount and period;
  • period - Period for which proxies are purchased in days;
  • country - Country for which proxies are purchased in iso2 format;
  • list - Purchased proxies range;
    • id - Inner proxy ID number, required to extend proxy with prolong method;
    • ip - IPv6 hidden behind host:port;
    • host - IPv4;
    • port - Port;
    • user - Login;
    • pass - Password;
    • type - Proxy type: http - HTTPS, socks - SOCKS5;
    • date - Proxy purchase date;
    • date_end - Proxy expiry date;
    • active - Active (1) or not active (0).

Method "prolong"

Used to extend existing proxies.

Method parametres:
  • period - (Required) - Extension period in days;
  • ids - (Required) - List of internal proxies’ numbers in our system, divided by comas;
  • nokey - By adding this parameter (the value is not needed), the list will be returned without keys.{api_key}/prolong?period=7&ids=15,16

In the given example we extend proxies #15 and 16 for 7 days.
In case of successful reply:

"status": "yes",
"user_id": "1",
"balance": 29,
"currency": "USD",
"price": 12.6,
"price_single": 0.9,
"period": 7,
"count": 2,
"list": {
"15": {
"id": 15,
"date_end": "2016-07-15 06:30:27",
"unixtime_end": 1468349441
"16": {
"id": 16,
"date_end": "2016-07-16 09:31:21",
"unixtime_end": 1468349529
  • price - Total extension cost;
  • price_single - Price of one proxy for selected amount and period;
  • period - Period of extension in days;
  • count - Amount of successful extensions;
  • list - Extended proxies range;
    • id - Inner proxy ID number;
    • date_end - New expiry date for proxy.

Method "refreshes"

Used to refreshes new proxies IPv6 Private.

Method parametres:
  • ids - List of internal proxies’ numbers in our system, divided by comas, Don't set to refreshes all proxies
One the value is not needed -  ids{api_key}/refreshes?ids=15,16

In the given example we refreshes proxies #15 and 16.
In case of successful reply:

"status": "yes",
"user_id": "1",
"balance": "9.80",
"currency": "USD",
"count": 1
 "list": [
"id": "168202704",
"refreshes": "true"
  • count - Number of proxies refreshed .

Method "delete"

Used to delete proxies.

Method parametres:
  • ids - (Required) - List of internal proxies’ numbers in our system, divided by comas;
  • descr - (Required) - Technical comment you have entered when purchasing proxy or by method setdescr.
One of the parameters must be present -  ids or  descr .{api_key}/delete?ids=15,16

In the given example we deleted proxies #15 and 16.
In case of successful reply:

"status": "yes",
"user_id": "1",
"balance": "9.880",
"currency": "USD",
"count": 4
  • count - Number of deleted proxies.

Method "check"

Used to check the validity of the proxy.

Method parametres:
  • ids - (Required) - Internal proxy number in our system.{api_key}/check?ids=15

In the given example we checking proxy #15.
In case of successful reply:

"status": "yes",
"user_id": "1",
"balance": "9.880",
"currency": "USD",
"proxy_id": 15,
"proxy_status": true
  • proxy_id - Internal proxy number in our system;
  • proxy_status - Result of checking: true or false.

Method "export"

Used to export proxy version IPV4 share,IPv4 Private,IPv6 Private to link or download.

Method parametres:
  • type - Default : link     link - Link to view or add to program , Download - Download Proxy
  • format - Default : ip:port:user:pass     IP - IP or host Port - Proxy Port , user Proxy Username , pass Proxy Password
  • version - Default : all     Proxies version: 4 - IPv4, 3 - IPv4 Shared, 6 - IPv6 , all to show all proxy (3,4,6) or add more with comma example : 4,6
  • orders_id - Default : all     Proxies From Orders id number
  • sort - Default : new     new or old Sort proxy new or older
  • last - Default : 1000     Number proxy want export{api_key}/export/?format=ip:port:user:pass?type=link&version=3,4,6

In case of successful reply:

Method "package6_getcountry"

Displays information on available for proxies purchase countries state and city

Method parameters:
  • version - Proxies version: package6 - package6 IPv6 (default){api_key}/package6_getcountry?version=package6

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "100",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": [
            "id": "1",
            "country_code": "US",
            "country": "United States",
            "detail": "VA -  Ashburn",
            "region": "North America"
            "id": "2",
            "country_code": "CA",
            "country": "Canada",
            "detail": "AB -  Calgary",
            "region": "North America"
            "id": "3",
            "country_code": "US",
            "country": "United States",
            "detail": "IL -  Chicago",
            "region": "North America"
list - The list of available countries local state and city, You will use this id when used package6_buy

Method "package6_getprice_all"

Get all package6 information

Method parameters:
  • name(Required) - Name of package (Bronze,Silver,Gold,Platinum,Diamond,Enterprise)
  • period(Required) - Period time days(1,7,30)
  • version - Proxies version: package6 - package6 IPv6 (default){api_key}/package6_getprice_all

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "123.590",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": [
            "id": "1",
            "proxy": "1500",
            "name": "Lite",
            "price": "4",
            "period": "1",
            "ipauth": "5"
            "id": "2",
            "proxy": "4500",
            "name": "Standard",
            "price": "5",
            "period": "1",
            "ipauth": "8"
            "id": "3",
            "proxy": "14000",
            "name": "Advanced",
            "price": "13",
            "period": "1",
            "ipauth": "15"
            "id": "4",
            "proxy": "23000",
            "name": "Premium",
            "price": "20",
            "period": "1",
            "ipauth": "20"
            "id": "5",
            "proxy": "32000",
            "name": "WorkPlace",
            "price": "28",
            "period": "1",
            "ipauth": "30"
            "id": "6",
            "proxy": "41000",
            "name": "Enterprise",
            "price": "34",
            "period": "1",
            "ipauth": "50"
            "id": "7",
            "proxy": "1500",
            "name": "Lite",
            "price": "28",
            "period": "7",
            "ipauth": "5"
            "id": "8",
            "proxy": "4500",
            "name": "Standard",
            "price": "35",
            "period": "7",
            "ipauth": "8"
            "id": "9",
            "proxy": "14000",
            "name": "Advanced",
            "price": "91",
            "period": "7",
            "ipauth": "15"
            "id": "10",
            "proxy": "23000",
            "name": "Premium",
            "price": "143",
            "period": "7",
            "ipauth": "20"
            "id": "11",
            "proxy": "32000",
            "name": "WorkPlace",
            "price": "196",
            "period": "7",
            "ipauth": "30"
            "id": "12",
            "proxy": "41000",
            "name": "Enterprise",
            "price": "241",
            "period": "7",
            "ipauth": "50"
            "id": "13",
            "proxy": "1500",
            "name": "Lite",
            "price": "60",
            "period": "30",
            "ipauth": "5"
            "id": "14",
            "proxy": "4500",
            "name": "Standard",
            "price": "110",
            "period": "30",
            "ipauth": "8"
            "id": "15",
            "proxy": "14000",
            "name": "Advanced",
            "price": "330",
            "period": "30",
            "ipauth": "15"
            "id": "16",
            "proxy": "23000",
            "name": "Premium",
            "price": "560",
            "period": "30",
            "ipauth": "20"
            "id": "17",
            "proxy": "32000",
            "name": "WorkPlace",
            "price": "760",
            "period": "30",
            "ipauth": "30"
            "id": "18",
            "proxy": "41000",
            "name": "Enterprise",
            "price": "950",
            "period": "30",
            "ipauth": "50"

Method "package6_getprice"

Displays information on available for proxies purchase countries state and city

Method parameters:
  • name(Required) - Name of package (Lite,Standard,Advanced,Premium,WorkPlace,Enterprise)
  • period(Required) - Period time days(1,7,30)
  • version - Proxies version: package6 - package6 IPv6 (default){api_key}/package6_getprice?count=1500&period=1&version=package6

In case of successful reply:

                            "status": "yes",
                            "user_id": "1",
                            "balance": "100",
                            "currency": "USD",
                            "price": "4",
                            "price_single": 0.0027,
                            "period": "1",
                            "proxy": "1500",
                            "name": "Lite",

Method "package6_getproxy"

Get all proxy detail from one package6

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - Package6 id{api_key}/package6_getproxy?id=12345

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "100.600",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "5000": {
            "ip": "",
            "ipv6": "1001:222:333:76b7:2212:9089:973e:580a",
            "host": "",
            "port": "5000",
            "user": "myusername",
            "pass": "RwqTWk",
            "type": "http",
            "date_end": "2022-06-04 11:02:49",
            "unixtime_end": 1654340569,
            "auto_prolong": true,
            "active": "1"
        "5001": {
            "ip": "",
            "ipv6": "1001:222:333:cb25:8792:3f5f:934b:abbc",
            "host": "",
            "port": "5001",
            "user": "myusername",
            "pass": "RwqTWk",
            "type": "http",
            "date_end": "2022-06-04 11:02:49",
            "unixtime_end": 1654340569,
            "auto_prolong": true,
            "active": "1"

Method "package6_buy"

Buy new package6

Method parameters:
  • name(Required) - Name of package (Lite,Standard,Advanced,Premium,WorkPlace,Enterprise)
  • period(Required) - Period time days (1,7,30)
  • country(Required) - Country or local id (used method package6_getcountry to get list )
  • type - Proxies type (protocol): socks or http (default);{api_key}/package6_buy?name=Lite&period=1&country=2

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "12.600",
    "currency": "USD",
    "count": "1500",
    "price": "4",
    "price_single": 0.0026666666666667,
    "period": "1",
    "country": "2",
    "list": {
        "id": 123,
        "host": "",
        "port_begin": 5000,
        "port_end": 6499,
        "price": "4",
        "count": "1500",
        "user": "usernamesds",
        "pass": "hj8F2m",
        "type": "http",
        "date": "2022-05-04 15:43:57",
        "date_end": "2022-05-05 15:43:57",
        "unixtime": 1651765437,
        "active": 1,
        "country": "1"

Method "package6_prolong"

Renew a package6 (able renew same package period time)

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - Package6 id{api_key}/package6_prolong?id=123

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "100.600",
    "currency": "USD",
    "period": "1",
    "count": "1500",
    "list": {
        "id": "123",
        "package_id": "14",
        "package_name": "Silver",
        "proxy": "4500",
        "price": "110",
        "period": "1",
        "date_end": "2022-07-03 12:17:45",
        "unixtime": 1656850665

Method "package6_getpackagelist"

Get all or one package Proxy IPv6 Information

Method parameters:
  • id (Option) - Package IPv6 Id{api_key}/package6_getpackagelist

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "100.600",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": [
            "id": "123",
            "package_id": "123",
            "country_code": "JP",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "port_begin": 5000,
            "port_end": 9499,
            "username": "myusername",
            "password": "RwqTWk",
            "rotating_time": "1",
            "rotating_time_type": "day",
            "auth_ip": [
            "auth_ip_limit": "7",
            "local": "Tokyo ",
            "name": "Silver",
            "price": "110",
            "proxy": "4500",
            "period": "30",
            "date_end": "2022-07-03 12:17:45",
            "unixtime": 1656850665,
            "auto_prolong": true,
            "status": true
            "id": "1234",
            "package_id": "1234",
            "country_code": "US",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "port_begin": 5000,
            "port_end": 6499,
            "username": "proxy1234",
            "password": "MP1tZX",
            "rotating_time": "0",
            "rotating_time_type": "minute",
            "auth_ip": [],
            "auth_ip_limit": "5",
            "local": "Sydney ",
            "name": "Bronze",
            "price": "60",
            "proxy": "1500",
            "period": "30",
            "date_end": "2022-05-10 12:52:13",
            "unixtime": 1652187133,
            "auto_prolong": true,
            "status": true

Method "package6_whitelist"

Get or Set IP whitelist of one package6

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - Package6 id
  • type(Required) - get Get IP whitelist , set Set new IP whitelist
  • ip[](Required for set type) - IPv4 ip address{api_key}/package6_whitelist?id=123&type=get 

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "100.600",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "123",
        "auth_ip": [
        "auth_ip_limit": "7"
or case for set new whitelist:{api_key}/package6_whitelist?id=123&type=set&ip[]=[]=[]=

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "100.600",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "123",
        "auth_ip": [
        "auth_ip_limit": "7"

Method "package6_proxy_type"

Get or Set Proxy protocol type of one Rotating IPv4 proxy

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - Package6 id
  • type(Required) - get Get Proxy protocol type, set Change new Proxy protocol type (http or socks)
  • proxy_type(Option) - Proxy protocol type (http or socks)
  • ports(Option) - Set Proxy type for each ports ( don't set or empty will set for all ports){api_key}/package6_proxy_type?id=123&type=get 

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "100.600",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "123",
        "proxy_type": "socks"
or case for set new whitelist:{api_key}/package6_proxy_type?id=123&type=set&proxy_type=socks

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "123.600",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "123",
        "proxy_type": "http"

Method "package6_rotating_time"

Get or Set Proxy Time Rotating Proxy

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - Package6 id
  • type(Required) - get Get Proxy protocol type, set Change new Proxy protocol type (http or socks)
  • proxy_type(Option) - Proxy protocol type (http or socks)
  • proxy_type(Option) - Proxy protocol type (http or socks)
  • ports(Option) - Proxy ports number{api_key}/package6_rotating_time?id=123&type=get 

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "100.600",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "123",
        "proxy_type": "socks"
or case for set new whitelist:{api_key}/package6_rotating_time?id=123&type=set&proxy_type=socks

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "123.600",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "123",
        "proxy_type": "http"

Method "package6_auth"

Get or Set Proxy username password of one package6

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - Package6 id
  • type(Required) - get Get Proxy Username password, set Change new Proxy password
  • password(Required when set) - Change new Proxy password length 6 to 20 character (Alphabet and number only){api_key}/package6_auth?id=123&type=get 

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "100.600",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "123",
        "username": "myusername",
        "password": "RwqTWkX"
in case set new password:{api_key}/package6_auth?id=123&type=set&password=UJSD122SD

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "100.600",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "123",
        "username": "myusername",
        "password": "UJSD122SD"

Rotating IPv4 Proxy

Method "rotating4_getprice_all"

Get All Rotating IPv4 proxy price Calculator.

Method parameters:{api_key}/rotating4_getprice_all

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "564.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": [
            "id": "1",
            "name": "Bronze",
            "price": "25",
            "port": "5",
            "period": 30,
            "ipauth": "1"
            "id": "2",
            "name": "Silver",
            "price": "45",
            "port": "10",
            "period": 30,
            "ipauth": "2"
            "id": "3",
            "name": "Gold",
            "price": "80",
            "port": "20",
            "period": 30,
            "ipauth": "4"
            "id": "4",
            "name": "Platinum",
            "price": "150",
            "port": "50",
            "period": 30,
            "ipauth": "6"
            "id": "5",
            "name": "Pro",
            "price": "225",
            "port": "100",
            "period": 30,
            "ipauth": "8"
            "id": "6",
            "name": "Enterprise",
            "price": "400",
            "port": "200",
            "period": 30,
            "ipauth": "10"

Method "rotating4_getprice"

Get Rotating Residential proxy price calculator.

Method parameters:{api_key}/rotating4_getprice?name=Bronze

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "456.700",
    "currency": "USD",
    "price": "25",
    "price_single": 5,
    "period": "30",
    "port": "5",
    "name": "Bronze",
    "ipauth": "1"

Method "rotating4_getcountry "

Get All Location or country.

Method parameters:{api_key}/rotating4_getcountry

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "456.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": [

Method "rotating4_getproxy"

Get proxy list with json or txt format , You can add link to your apps or browser (Cache 2 hours)

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - id (ID Of Rotating IPv4 )
  • format(Option) (default txt) - txt or json
  • hostname(Option)(default hostname) - hostname or ip
  • lb(Option)(default 1) Delimiters (1:\r\n 2:/br 3:\r 4:\n 5:\t 6 :Custom delimiters)
  • sb(Option) Custom delimiters{api_key}/rotating4_getproxy?id=111752&format=txt&hostname=hostname

In case of successful reply:

Method "rotating4_buy"

Buy or Order new rotating ipv4 proxy

Method parameters:
  • name(Required) - name (Name Of Rotating IPv4 proxy package)(get from rotating4_getprice_all) or rotating ipv4 proxy
  • period(Option) (default 30) - Period of package (get from rotating4_getprice_all)
  • proxy_type(Option)(default http) - Type of proxy (http,socks)
  • auto_prolong(Option)(default 1) - Auto prolong (0 - disable,1 - Auto prolong)
  • whitelist(Option) IP Whitelist (comma separated exapmle,
  • proxy_time(Option) (default 1) Time proxy auto rotate (1-60) (minutes){api_key}/rotating4_buy?version=4&name=Bronze&period=30&proxy_type=http&auto_prolong=1&whitelist=

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "456.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "orders_id": 5004511,
    "price": "25",
    "period": "30",
    "date_end": "2023-07-17 12:19:34",
    "unixtime_end": 1689596374,
    "list": [
            "id": 124212,
            "name": "Bronze",
            "port": "5",
            "price": "25",
            "period": "30",
            "auth_ip_limit": "1",
            "auth_ip": [
            "proxy_type": "http",
            "proxy_time": "2",
            "local": "all",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "ports": [
                    "port": "19595",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19596",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19597",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19598",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19599",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"

Method "rotating4_prolong"

Renew older package

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - id (ID of package)
  • period(Option) (default 30) - Period of package
  • version(Option) (default 4) - Version of proxy (4 - rotating ipv4 proxy){api_key}/rotating4_prolong?id=1&version=4&period=30

In case of successful reply:

   "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "456.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "orders_id": 5000477,
    "price": "80",
    "period": 30,
    "date_end": "2023-07-22 16:02:30",
    "unixtime_end": 1690041750,
    "list": [
            "id": "11752",
            "name": "Gold",
            "port": "20",
            "price": "80",
            "period": "30",
            "auth_ip_limit": "4",
            "auth_ip": [
            "proxy_type": null,
            "proxy_time": "3",
            "local": "all",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "ports": [
                    "port": "16685",
                    "local": "asia",
                    "proxy_time": "18",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16686",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16687",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16688",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16689",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19570",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19571",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19572",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19573",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19574",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19575",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19576",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19577",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19578",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19579",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19580",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19581",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19582",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19583",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19584",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"

Method "rotating4_getpackagelist"

Get All Rotating IPv4 proxy Package list ordered.

Method parameters:{api_key}/rotating4_getpackagelist

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "6670",
    "balance": "84439.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": [
            "id": "111752",
            "name": "Gold",
            "period": "30",
            "port": "20",
            "price": "80",
            "auth_ip_limit": "1",
            "auth_ip": [
            "local": "all",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "ports": [
                    "port": "16685",
                    "local": "asia",
                    "proxy_time": "18",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16686",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16687",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16688",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16689",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19570",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19571",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19572",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19573",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19574",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19575",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19576",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19577",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19578",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19579",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19580",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19581",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19582",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19583",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19584",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
            "id": "12288",
            "name": "Silver",
            "period": "30",
            "port": "10",
            "price": "45",
            "auth_ip_limit": "2",
            "auth_ip": [
            "local": "all",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "ports": [
                    "port": "11805",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11806",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11807",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11808",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11809",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11810",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11811",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11812",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11813",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11814",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
            "id": "4676",
            "name": "Bronze",
            "period": "30",
            "port": "5",
            "price": "25",
            "auth_ip_limit": "1",
            "auth_ip": [
            "local": "all",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "ports": [
                    "port": "19585",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19586",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19587",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19588",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19589",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
            "id": "3678",
            "name": "Bronze",
            "period": "30",
            "port": "5",
            "price": "25",
            "auth_ip_limit": "1",
            "auth_ip": [
            "local": "all",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "ports": [
                    "port": "19590",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19591",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19592",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19593",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19594",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
            "id": "24212",
            "name": "Bronze",
            "period": "30",
            "port": "5",
            "price": "25",
            "auth_ip_limit": "1",
            "auth_ip": [
            "local": "all",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "ports": [
                    "port": "19595",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19596",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19597",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19598",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19599",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"

Method "rotating4_whitelist"

Get or Set IP Whitelist .

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - ID of the proxy package.
  • type(Required) - get or set (get : get all current proxy package list . set : set new ip whitelist
  • ips(Required for set type) - ips list for set type comma separated . example :,{api_key}/rotating4_whitelist?id=111752&type=get

In case of successful reply:

                        "status": "yes",
                        "user_id": "123",
                        "balance": "439.450",
                        "currency": "USD",
                        "list": {
                            "package_id": "111752",
                            "auth_ip": [
                            "auth_ip_limit": "1"

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "439.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "111",
        "auth_ip": [
        "auth_ip_limit": "1"

Method "rotating4_proxy_type"

Get or Set proxy protocol (http or socks).

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - ID of the proxy package.
  • type(Required) - get or set (get : get all current proxy package list . set : set new ip whitelist
  • proxy_type(Required for set type) - http http or https socks socks4 or socks5
  • ports(Required for set type) - http http or https socks socks4 or socks5{api_key}/rotating4_proxy_type?id=111752&type=get

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "123.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "111752",
        "proxy_type": "http",
        "ports": [
                "port": "16685",
                "local": "asia",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16686",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16687",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16688",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16689",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19570",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19571",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19572",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19573",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19574",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19575",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19576",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19577",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19578",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19579",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19580",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19581",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19582",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19583",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19584",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "123.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "111752",
        "proxy_type": "socks",
        "ports": [
                "port": "16685",
                "local": "asia",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16686",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16687",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16688",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16689",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19570",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19571",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19572",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19573",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19574",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19575",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19576",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19577",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19578",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19579",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19580",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19581",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19582",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19583",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19584",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"


Method "rotating4_proxy_time"

Get or Set proxy time rotating.

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - ID of the proxy package.
  • type(Required) - get or set (get : get all current proxy package list . set : set new ip whitelist
  • proxy_time(Required for set time) - from range 1 to 60 minutes
  • ports(Required for set type) - http http or https socks socks4 or socks5{api_key}/rotating4_proxy_time?id=111752&type=get

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "123.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "111752",
        "proxy_type": "http",
        "proxy_time": "1",
        "ports": [
                "port": "16685",
                "local": "asia",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16686",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16687",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16688",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16689",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19570",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19571",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19572",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19573",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19574",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19575",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19576",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19577",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19578",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19579",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19580",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19581",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19582",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19583",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19584",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "155.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "111752",
        "proxy_type": "http",
        "ports": [
                "port": "16685",
                "local": "asia",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16686",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16687",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16688",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16689",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19570",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19571",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19572",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19573",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19574",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19575",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19576",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19577",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19578",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19579",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19580",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19581",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19582",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19583",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19584",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"

Rotating IPv6 Proxy

Method "rotating6_getprice_all"

Get All Rotating IPv4 proxy price Calculator.

Method parameters:{api_key}/rotating6_getprice_all

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "564.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": [
            "id": "1",
            "name": "Bronze",
            "price": "25",
            "port": "5",
            "period": 30,
            "ipauth": "1"
            "id": "2",
            "name": "Silver",
            "price": "45",
            "port": "10",
            "period": 30,
            "ipauth": "2"
            "id": "3",
            "name": "Gold",
            "price": "80",
            "port": "20",
            "period": 30,
            "ipauth": "4"
            "id": "4",
            "name": "Platinum",
            "price": "150",
            "port": "50",
            "period": 30,
            "ipauth": "6"
            "id": "5",
            "name": "Pro",
            "price": "225",
            "port": "100",
            "period": 30,
            "ipauth": "8"
            "id": "6",
            "name": "Enterprise",
            "price": "400",
            "port": "200",
            "period": 30,
            "ipauth": "10"

Method "rotating6_getprice"

Get Rotating Residential proxy price calculator.

Method parameters:{api_key}/rotating6_getprice?name=Bronze

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "456.700",
    "currency": "USD",
    "price": "25",
    "price_single": 5,
    "period": "30",
    "port": "5",
    "name": "Bronze",
    "ipauth": "1"

Method "rotating6_getcountry "

Get All Location or country.

Method parameters:{api_key}/rotating6_getcountry

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "456.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": [

Method "rotating6_getproxy"

Get proxy list with json or txt format , You can add link to your apps or browser (Cache 2 hours)

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - id (ID Of Rotating IPv4 )
  • format(Option) (default txt) - txt or json
  • hostname(Option)(default hostname) - hostname or ip
  • lb(Option)(default 1) Delimiters (1:\r\n 2:/br 3:\r 4:\n 5:\t 6 :Custom delimiters)
  • sb(Option) Custom delimiters{api_key}/rotating6_getproxy?id=113493&format=txt&hostname=hostname

In case of successful reply:

Method "rotating6_buy"

Buy or Order new rotating ipv6 proxy

Method parameters:
  • name(Required) - name (Name Of Rotating IPv6 proxy package)(get from rotating6_getprice_all) or rotating ipv4 proxy
  • period(Option) (default 30) - Period of package
  • proxy_type(Option)(default http) - Type of proxy (http,socks)
  • auto_prolong(Option)(default 1) - Auto prolong (0 - disable,1 - Auto prolong)
  • whitelist(Option) IP Whitelist (comma separated exapmle,
  • proxy_time(Option) (default 1) Time proxy auto rotate (1-60) (minutes){api_key}/rotating6_buy?version=4&name=Bronze&period=30&proxy_type=http&auto_prolong=1&whitelist=

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "456.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "orders_id": 5004511,
    "price": "25",
    "period": "30",
    "date_end": "2023-07-17 12:19:34",
    "unixtime_end": 1689596374,
    "list": [
            "id": 124212,
            "name": "Bronze",
            "port": "5",
            "price": "25",
            "period": "30",
            "auth_ip_limit": "1",
            "auth_ip": [
            "proxy_type": "http",
            "proxy_time": "2",
            "local": "all",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "ports": [
                    "port": "19595",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19596",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19597",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19598",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19599",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"

Method "rotating6_prolong"

Renew older package

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - id (ID of package)
  • period(Option) (default 30) - Period of package
  • version(Option) (default 6) - Version of proxy (6 - rotating ipv6 proxy){api_key}/rotating6_prolong?id=1&version=4&period=30

In case of successful reply:

   "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "456.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "orders_id": 5000477,
    "price": "80",
    "period": 30,
    "date_end": "2023-07-22 16:02:30",
    "unixtime_end": 1690041750,
    "list": [
            "id": "11752",
            "name": "Gold",
            "port": "20",
            "price": "80",
            "period": "30",
            "auth_ip_limit": "4",
            "auth_ip": [
            "proxy_type": null,
            "proxy_time": "3",
            "local": "all",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "ports": [
                    "port": "16685",
                    "local": "asia",
                    "proxy_time": "18",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16686",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16687",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16688",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16689",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19570",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19571",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19572",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19573",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19574",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19575",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19576",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19577",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19578",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19579",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19580",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19581",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19582",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19583",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19584",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"

Method "rotating6_getpackagelist"

Get All Rotating IPv6 proxy Package list ordered.

Method parameters:{api_key}/rotating6_getpackagelist

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "6670",
    "balance": "84439.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": [
            "id": "111752",
            "name": "Gold",
            "period": "30",
            "port": "20",
            "price": "80",
            "auth_ip_limit": "1",
            "auth_ip": [
            "local": "all",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "ports": [
                    "port": "16685",
                    "local": "asia",
                    "proxy_time": "18",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16686",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16687",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16688",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "16689",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19570",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19571",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19572",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19573",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19574",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19575",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19576",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19577",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19578",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19579",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19580",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19581",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19582",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19583",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19584",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "3",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
            "id": "12288",
            "name": "Silver",
            "period": "30",
            "port": "10",
            "price": "45",
            "auth_ip_limit": "2",
            "auth_ip": [
            "local": "all",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "ports": [
                    "port": "11805",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11806",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11807",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11808",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11809",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11810",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11811",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11812",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11813",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "11814",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": null,
                    "proxy_type": "http"
            "id": "4676",
            "name": "Bronze",
            "period": "30",
            "port": "5",
            "price": "25",
            "auth_ip_limit": "1",
            "auth_ip": [
            "local": "all",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "ports": [
                    "port": "19585",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19586",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19587",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19588",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19589",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
            "id": "3678",
            "name": "Bronze",
            "period": "30",
            "port": "5",
            "price": "25",
            "auth_ip_limit": "1",
            "auth_ip": [
            "local": "all",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "ports": [
                    "port": "19590",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19591",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19592",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19593",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19594",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
            "id": "24212",
            "name": "Bronze",
            "period": "30",
            "port": "5",
            "price": "25",
            "auth_ip_limit": "1",
            "auth_ip": [
            "local": "all",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "",
            "ports": [
                    "port": "19595",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19596",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19597",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19598",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"
                    "port": "19599",
                    "local": "all",
                    "proxy_time": "2",
                    "proxy_type": "http"

Method "rotating6_whitelist"

Get or Set IP Whitelist .

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - ID of the proxy package.
  • type(Required) - get or set (get : get all current proxy package list . set : set new ip whitelist
  • ips(Required for set type) - ips list for set type comma separated . example :,{api_key}/rotating6_whitelist?id=111752&type=get

In case of successful reply:

                        "status": "yes",
                        "user_id": "123",
                        "balance": "439.450",
                        "currency": "USD",
                        "list": {
                            "package_id": "111752",
                            "auth_ip": [
                            "auth_ip_limit": "1"

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "439.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "111",
        "auth_ip": [
        "auth_ip_limit": "1"

Method "rotating6_proxy_type"

Get or Set proxy protocol (http or socks).

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - ID of the proxy package.
  • type(Required) - get or set (get : get all current proxy package list . set : set new ip whitelist
  • proxy_type(Required for set type) - http http or https socks socks4 or socks5
  • ports(Required for set type) - http http or https socks socks4 or socks5{api_key}/rotating6_proxy_type?id=111752&type=get

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "123.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "111752",
        "proxy_type": "http",
        "ports": [
                "port": "16685",
                "local": "asia",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16686",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16687",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16688",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16689",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19570",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19571",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19572",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19573",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19574",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19575",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19576",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19577",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19578",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19579",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19580",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19581",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19582",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19583",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19584",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "123.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "111752",
        "proxy_type": "socks",
        "ports": [
                "port": "16685",
                "local": "asia",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16686",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16687",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16688",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16689",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19570",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19571",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19572",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19573",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19574",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19575",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19576",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19577",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19578",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19579",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19580",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19581",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19582",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19583",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19584",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "socks",
                "proxy_time": "1"


Method "rotating6_proxy_time"

Get or Set proxy time rotating.

Method parameters:
  • id(Required) - ID of the proxy package.
  • type(Required) - get or set (get : get all current proxy package list . set : set new ip whitelist
  • proxy_time(Required for set time) - from range 0 to 60 minutes (some packages may from 1 to 60 minutes)
  • ports(Required for set type) - http http or https socks socks4 or socks5{api_key}/rotating6_proxy_time?id=111752&type=get

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "123.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "111752",
        "proxy_type": "http",
        "proxy_time": "1",
        "ports": [
                "port": "16685",
                "local": "asia",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16686",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16687",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16688",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16689",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19570",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19571",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19572",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19573",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19574",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19575",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19576",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19577",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19578",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19579",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19580",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19581",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19582",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19583",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19584",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "123",
    "balance": "155.450",
    "currency": "USD",
    "list": {
        "package_id": "111752",
        "proxy_type": "http",
        "ports": [
                "port": "16685",
                "local": "asia",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16686",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16687",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16688",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "16689",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19570",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19571",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19572",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19573",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19574",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19575",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19576",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19577",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19578",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19579",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19580",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19581",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19582",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19583",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"
                "port": "19584",
                "local": "all",
                "proxy_type": "http",
                "proxy_time": "1"

Rotating Residential Proxy

Method "rotating_residential_price"

Get Rotating Residential proxy price calculator.

Method parameters:
  • bandwidth(Required) - bandwidth (Available bandwidth is listed in GB.){api_key}/rotating_residential_price?bandwidth=10

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "4222.200",
    "currency": "USD",
    "bandwidth": 3,
    "price": 12,
    "price_single": 4

Method "rotating_residential_list"

Get Rotating Residential proxy all information package did order list

Method parameters:
  • page(Option) - page number (Default is 1)
  • pageSize(Option) - pageSize , number package per page (Default is 100)
  • search(Option) - "search" query parameter, which will return package by usernames.{api_key}/rotating_residential_list?page=1&pageSize=10&search=proxyaz

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "page": "1",
    "pageSize": 100,
    "total": "4",
    "data": [
            "id": "1",
            "username": "proxyaz_2fjbgBG",
            "password": "2fjbgBG",
            "availableBandwidth": "8",
            "usedBandwidth": "0"
            "id": "2",
            "username": "proxyaz_pwZzoRM",
            "password": "pwZzoRM",
            "availableBandwidth": "2",
            "usedBandwidth": "0"
            "id": "1345",
            "username": "proxyaz_snTGb",
            "password": "QdGsduDrRFL9",
            "availableBandwidth": "3",
            "usedBandwidth": "0"
            "id": "12609",
            "username": "proxyaz_asdnbody1",
            "password": "jsv9dxbssr",
            "availableBandwidth": "9",
            "usedBandwidth": "0"

Method "rotating_residential_create"

Creates new a Rotating Residential proxy (Traffic is listed in GB.)

Method parameters:
  • bandwidth (require) - Bandwidth GB
  • username (option) - Username: Must be from 6 to 30 characters long. Only letters, numbers, and underscore (_) are allowed.
  • password (option) - Password: Must be from 6 to 16 characters long. Only letters and numbers allowed.{api_key}/rotating_residential_create?username=newusername&password=newpassword&bandwidth=5

In case of successful reply:

                            "status": "yes",
                            "user_id": "1",
                            "balance": "4258.200",
                            "currency": "USD",
                            "bandwidth": 1,
                            "price": 4,
                            "price_single": 4,
                            "id": 1234
                            "username": "proxyaz_24ExRU",
                            "password": "WlPVsdZ69iBA",

Method "rotating_residential_update"

Change new username or password of your package

Method parameters:
  • id (require) - Package id
  • username (option) - Username: Must be from 6 to 30 characters long. Only letters, numbers, and underscore (_) are allowed.
  • password (option) - Password: Must be from 6 to 16 characters long. Only letters and numbers allowed.{api_key}/rotating_residential_update?id=1234&username=proxyaznew&password=newpassword

In case of successful reply:

                            "status": "yes",
                            "user_id": "1",
                            "balance": "4254.200",
                            "currency": "USD",
                            "id": 1234
                            "username": "proxyaznew",
                            "password": "newpassword",
                            "availableBandwidth": "1",
                            "usedBandwidth": "0",


Method "rotating_residential_add_bandwidth"

Add more bandwidth to older package

Method parameters:
  • id (require) - Package id
  • bandwidth (require) - Bandwidth GB{api_key}/rotating_residential_add_bandwidth?id=1234&bandwidth=20

In case of successful reply:

                            "status": "yes",
                            "user_id": "1",
                            "balance": "4222.200",
                            "currency": "USD",
                            "id": 1609,
                            "price": 16,
                            "price_single": 4,
                            "username": "proxyaz_sbody1",
                            "password": "jsv9dxbrsf",
                            "availableBandwidth": "9",
                            "usedBandwidth": "10"

Method "rotating_residential_whitelist"

Get, Create, Update, Delete IP Address Whitelist

Method parameters:
  • id (require) - Package id
  • type (require) - get create update delete
  • data[ip] (require for create,update) -
  • data[ip] (require for create,update) -
  • data[configuration] (require for create,update) - a string that will define the proxie's location, session type and time, etc (without password) example country-de,au_session-4sdsd6s_lifetime-2h , empty if you want random all

Get Whitelist of a package example{api_key}/rotating_residential_whitelist?type=get&id=1234

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "12.270",
    "currency": "USD",
    "whitelists": [
            "hash": "LXH9W3FXRNMVA6XT015A16W0F8",
            "ip": "",
            "port": 12321,
            "type": "http|https",
            "configuration": "country-bj_city-cotonou_streaming-1"

Create Whitelist of a package example{api_key}/rotating_residential_whitelist?type=create&data[ip]=[port]=12321&data[configuration]=country-bj_city-cotonou_streaming-1

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "12.270",
    "currency": "USD",
    "result": {
        "status": "yes",
        "text": "Whitelist created"

Case error reply :
    "status": "no",
    "error_id": 500,
    "error": "Whitelist already exists."
    "status": "no",
    "error_id": 500,
    "error": "The ip must be a valid IP address."

Update Whitelist of a package example{api_key}/rotating_residential_whitelist?type=update&id=1234&data[ip]=[port]=12321&data[configuration]=country-ru&whitelist=01H9W3CT1RKBZMEJW459PW2RYH

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "12.270",
    "currency": "USD",
    "result": {
        "status": "yes",
        "text": "Whitelist updated"

In case of error reply:

    "status": "no",
    "error_id": 500,
    "error": "Same configuration"

Delete Whitelist of a package example{api_key}/rotating_residential_whitelist?type=delete&id=1234&whitelist=01H9W3CT1RKBZMEJW459PW2RYH

In case of successful reply:

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "77672.270",
    "currency": "USD",
    "result": {
        "status": "yes",
        "text": "Whitelist deleted"

In case of error reply:

    "status": "no",
    "error_id": 500,
    "error": "Whitelist not found"

Method "rotating_residential_countries"

List all country state city support

Method parameters:
  • country (Option) - Country code{api_key}/rotating_residential_countries?country=it

In case of successful reply:

                                "prefix": "_country-",
                                "countries": [
                                        "code": "it",
                                        "name": "Italy",
                                        "cities": {
                                            "prefix": "_city-",
                                            "options": [
                                                    "code": "bari",
                                                    "name": "Bari"
                                                    "code": "milan",
                                                    "name": "Milan"
                                                    "code": "torino",
                                                    "name": "Torino"
                                                    "code": "padova",
                                                    "name": "Padova"
                                                    "code": "catania",
                                                    "name": "Catania"
                                                    "code": "bologna",
                                                    "name": "Bologna"
                                                    "code": "ivrea",
                                                    "name": "Ivrea"
                                                    "code": "pisa",
                                                    "name": "Pisa"
                                                    "code": "naples",
                                                    "name": "Naples"
                                                    "code": "bergamo",
                                                    "name": "Bergamo"
                                                    "code": "rome",
                                                    "name": "Rome"

Method "rotating_residential_hostnames"

List all Get hostname ip port list support

Method parameters:{api_key}/rotating_residential_hostnames

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "196475.130",
    "currency": "USD",
    "hostnames": [
            "hostname": "",
            "ip": "",
            "ports": [
                    "name": "http|https",
                    "port": "11111"
                    "name": "socks5",
                    "port": "22222"
            "hostname": "",
            "ip": "",
            "ports": [
                    "name": "http|https",
                    "port": "11111"
                    "name": "socks5",
                    "port": "22222"
            "hostname": "",
            "ip": "",
            "ports": [
                    "name": "http|https",
                    "port": "11111"
                    "name": "socks5",
                    "port": "22222"
            "hostname": "",
            "ip": "",
            "ports": [
                    "name": "http|https",
                    "port": "11111"
                    "name": "socks5",
                    "port": "22222"

Method "rotating_cheap_residential_price_calculator"

Price Calculator{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_price_calculator?bandwidth=5000

Method parameters:
  • bandwidth (require) - bandwidth gb

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "12.380",
    "currency": "USD",
    "limit": {
        "ipv4": "1000",
        "ipv4s": "1000",
        "ipv6": "1000",
        "ipv6_package": "50",
        "rotating_ipv4": "50",
        "rotating_ipv6": "50",
        "rotating_premium_residential_ipv4": "5",
        "rotating_cheap_residential_ipv4": "10"
    "bandwidth": 50000,
    "price": 35000,
    "price_single": 0.7

Method "rotating_cheap_residential_order"

Order new bandwidth to user (You need create new username if not exist){api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_order

Method parameters:
  • username (require) - Username or user id
  • id (require) - user id or username
  • bandwidth (require) - Bandwidth

Request example:{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_order?id=3297&bandwidth=3

In case of successful reply:

    "status": 1,
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "123.300",
    "currency": "USD",
    "limit": "1",
    "bandwidth": 1,
    "price": 2.5,
    "price_single": 2.5,
    "orders_id": 48316,
    "period": 30,
    "id": "3297",
    "username": "nx3RAG",
    "bandwidth_balance": 4,
    "bandwidth_all_buy": 7.000236763,
    "bandwidth_used": 3.000236763

Method "rotating_cheap_residential_user_create"

Create Account (Can create multiple accounts for Reseller), User only limit 1 account.{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_user_create
Method parameters:
  • username (require) - username (6-24 character and under)
  • password (require) - password (The password must have 6 to 15 characters, uppercase and lowercase letters and digits are required, ! @ # $% ^&*? _ are allowed.)
  • status (option) - status (1 - active default, -1 - inactive){api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_user_create?username=n3RsAG5c&password=LBSZxtSxxxxss6&status=1

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "123.380",
    "currency": "USD",
    "limit": {
        "ipv4": 10,
        "ipv4s": 10,
        "ipv6": 10,
        "ipv6_package": "50",
        "rotating_ipv4": "50",
        "rotating_ipv6": "50",
        "rotating_premium_residential_ipv4": "5",
        "rotating_cheap_residential_ipv4": "10"
    "lists": {
        "id": 15720,
        "username": "n3RsAG5c",
        "password": "LBSZxtSxxxxss6",
        "status": 1

Method "rotating_cheap_residential_user_edit"

Edit Account Change Password or Status{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_user_edit
Method parameters:
  • id (require) - user id
  • password (require) - username (6-24 character and under)
  • status (option) - status (1 - active default, -1 - inactive ){api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_user_edit?id=329767?password=LBSZxtSxxxxss6&status=1

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "123.380",
    "currency": "USD",
    "limit": {
        "ipv4": "1000",
        "ipv4s": "1000",
        "ipv6": "1000",
        "ipv6_package": "50",
        "rotating_ipv4": "50",
        "rotating_ipv6": "50",
        "rotating_premium_residential_ipv4": "5",
        "rotating_cheap_residential_ipv4": "10"
    "lists": {
        "id": "329767",
        "username": "n3RAG5S2yZs1",
        "password": "LBSZxtSxxxxss6",
        "status": "1"

Method "rotating_cheap_residential_user_list"

Get User List in your account{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_user_list
Method parameters:
  • username (option) - username
  • page (require) - page default 1
  • limit (require) - limit default 10
  • status (option) - status (1 - active default, -1 - inactive ){api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_user_list?page=1&limit=10&status=1

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "123.380",
    "currency": "USD",
    "limit": {
        "ipv4": "1000",
        "ipv4s": "1000",
        "ipv6": "1000",
        "ipv6_package": "50",
        "rotating_ipv4": "50",
        "rotating_ipv6": "50",
        "rotating_premium_residential_ipv4": "5",
        "rotating_cheap_residential_ipv4": "10"
    "lists": {
        "page": 1,
        "page_size": 10,
        "total": "8",
        "list": [
                "id": "5520",
                "username": "n32yZs1xxxc",
                "bandwidth_balance": 0,
                "bandwidth_all_buy": 0,
                "bandwidth_used": 0,
                "bandwidth": "GB",
                "status": "1"
                "id": "5516",
                "username": "n3s2yZs1xxxc",
                "bandwidth_balance": 0,
                "bandwidth_all_buy": 0,
                "bandwidth_used": 0,
                "bandwidth": "GB",
                "status": "1"
                "id": "5514",
                "username": "n3s2yZs1xxx",
                "bandwidth_balance": 0,
                "bandwidth_all_buy": 0,
                "bandwidth_used": 0,
                "bandwidth": "GB",
                "status": "1"
                "id": "4034",
                "username": "DZtkldXveB7U",
                "bandwidth_balance": 0,
                "bandwidth_all_buy": 1,
                "bandwidth_used": 1,
                "bandwidth": "GB",
                "status": "1"
                "id": "3162",
                "username": "XWtg183P",
                "bandwidth_balance": 0,
                "bandwidth_all_buy": 0,
                "bandwidth_used": 0,
                "bandwidth": "GB",
                "status": "1"
                "id": "372102",
                "username": "prouly3BE",
                "bandwidth_balance": 0,
                "bandwidth_all_buy": 0,
                "bandwidth_used": 0,
                "bandwidth": "GB",
                "status": "1"

Method "rotating_cheap_residential_user_info"

Get User information{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_user_info
Method parameters:
  • username (require) - username or id
  • id (require) - id or username{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_user_info?username=n3RsASs2yZs1

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "123.380",
    "currency": "USD",
    "limit": {
        "ipv4": "1000",
        "ipv4s": "1000",
        "ipv6": "1000",
        "ipv6_package": "50",
        "rotating_ipv4": "50",
        "rotating_ipv6": "50",
        "rotating_premium_residential_ipv4": "5",
        "rotating_cheap_residential_ipv4": "10"
    "lists": {
        "id": "33333",
        "username": "n3RsASs2yZs1",
        "bandwidth_balance": 10,
        "bandwidth_all_buy": 10,
        "bandwidth_used": 0,
        "bandwidth": "GB",
        "status": "1"

Method "rotating_cheap_residential_proxy_account_create"

Create Proxy Account and Password can use to add to your browser or code{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_proxy_account_create
Method parameters:
  • username (require) - Username
  • account (require) - Account (6-24 character and under)
  • password (require) - password (6-24 character and under)
  • limit_flow (require) - Limit Proxy Account bandwidth can use (Number GB from 1 to 10000)
  • remark (Option) - remark{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_proxy_account_create?username=demotest&account=proxyaccount_asdsd&password=proxyaccount_asdasdsad&limit_flow=10

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "123.560",
    "currency": "USD",
    "limit": "1",
            "id": 1955,
            "account": "proxyaccount_asdsd",
            "password": "proxyaccount_asdasdsad",
            "state": 1,
            "consumed_flow": 0,
            "limit_flow": 10,
            "create_time": 1732182030,
            "update_time": 0,
            "remark": ""

Method "rotating_cheap_residential_proxy_account_edit"

Edit or update proxy account{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_proxy_account_edit
Method parameters:
  • username (require) - Username
  • id (require) - Proxy Account id
  • account (require) - Account (6-24 character and under)
  • password (require) - password (6-24 character and under)
  • limit_flow (require) - Limit Proxy Account bandwidth can use (Number GB from 1 to 10000)
  • state (require) - state:1=Normal,2=Disabled
  • remark (Option) - remark{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_proxy_account_edit?username=demotest&id=1955&account=proxyaccount_asdsd2&password=proxyaccount_asdasdsad2&state=1&limit_flow=10

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "123.560",
    "currency": "USD",
    "limit": "1",
            "id": 1955,
            "account": "proxyaccount_asdsd",
            "password": "proxyaccount_asdasdsad",
            "state": 1,
            "consumed_flow": 0,
            "limit_flow": 10,
            "create_time": 1732182030,
            "update_time": 0,
            "remark": ""


Method "rotating_cheap_residential_proxy_account_list"

Get All Proxy Account of User{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_proxy_account_list
Method parameters:
  • username (require) - Username (Use Username or id )
  • id (require) - Id (Use Username or id ){api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_proxy_account_list?username=demotest

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "123.560",
    "currency": "USD",
    "limit": "1",
    "lists": [
            "id": "10577",
            "account": "nername01",
            "password": "nername01",
            "consumed_flow": 0,
            "limit_flow": 123,
            "create_time": "1711681563",
            "state": "1"
            "id": "10578",
            "account": "rIUKRZFVwO",
            "password": "ST890vrpaU",
            "consumed_flow": 0,
            "limit_flow": 1,
            "create_time": "1711681741",
            "state": "0"
            "id": "10660",
            "account": "GwPRKne",
            "password": "zSN0e2vD",
            "consumed_flow": 0,
            "limit_flow": 1,
            "create_time": "1711711125",
            "state": "0"

Method "rotating_cheap_residential_white_ip_add"

Add White IP{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_white_ip_add
Method parameters:
  • username (require) - username or id
  • id (require) - id or username
  • ip (require) - IPv4 address{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_white_ip_add?username=n3RsASs2yZs1&ip=

In case of successful reply all While IP of user:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "12.380",
    "currency": "USD",
    "limit": {
        "ipv4": "1000",
        "ipv4s": "1000",
        "ipv6": "1000",
        "ipv6_package": "50",
        "rotating_ipv4": "50",
        "rotating_ipv6": "50",
        "rotating_premium_residential_ipv4": "5",
        "rotating_cheap_residential_ipv4": "10"
    "lists": [
            "id": "192087",
            "ip": "",
            "created_at": "1716125387",
            "updated_at": "1722861337",
            "status": "1"
            "id": "230009",
            "ip": "",
            "created_at": "1723810797",
            "updated_at": "1723810797",
            "status": "3"
            "id": "259952",
            "ip": "",
            "created_at": "1732848075",
            "updated_at": "1732848075",
            "status": "3"
            "id": "260085",
            "ip": "",
            "created_at": "1732892542",
            "updated_at": "1732892542",
            "status": "1"


Method "rotating_cheap_residential_white_ip_delete"

Delete White IP{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_white_ip_delete
Method parameters:
  • username (require) - username or id
  • id (require) - id or username{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_white_ip_delete?username=n3RsASs2yZs1&id=

In case of successful reply all While IP of user:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "12.380",
    "currency": "USD",
    "limit": {
        "ipv4": "1000",
        "ipv4s": "1000",
        "ipv6": "1000",
        "ipv6_package": "50",
        "rotating_ipv4": "50",
        "rotating_ipv6": "50",
        "rotating_premium_residential_ipv4": "5",
        "rotating_cheap_residential_ipv4": "10"
    "lists": [
            "id": "230009",
            "ip": "",
            "created_at": "1723810797",
            "updated_at": "1723810797",
            "status": "3"
            "id": "259952",
            "ip": "",
            "created_at": "1732848075",
            "updated_at": "1732848075",
            "status": "3"
            "id": "260085",
            "ip": "",
            "created_at": "1732892542",
            "updated_at": "1732892542",
            "status": "1"

Method "rotating_cheap_residential_white_ip_list"

list White IP{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_white_ip_list
Method parameters:
  • username (require) - username or id
  • id (require) - id or username{api_key}/rotating_cheap_residential_white_ip_list?username=nSs2yZs1

In case of successful reply:

    "status": "yes",
    "user_id": "1",
    "balance": "12.380",
    "currency": "USD",
    "limit": {
        "ipv4": "1000",
        "ipv4s": "1000",
        "ipv6": "1000",
        "ipv6_package": "50",
        "rotating_ipv4": "50",
        "rotating_ipv6": "50",
        "rotating_premium_residential_ipv4": "5",
        "rotating_cheap_residential_ipv4": "10"
    "lists": [
            "id": "10650",
            "ip": "",
            "created_at": "1712022465",
            "updated_at": "1712022465",
            "status": "-2"
            "id": "90390",
            "ip": "",
            "created_at": "1714959664",
            "updated_at": "1716169711",
            "status": "-2"
            "id": "19054",
            "ip": "",
            "created_at": "1714917313",
            "updated_at": "1714917313",
            "status": "-2"
            "id": "23009",
            "ip": "",
            "created_at": "1723810797",
            "updated_at": "1723810797",
            "status": "1"

Error codes

Code Text Description
30 Error unknown Unknown error
100 Error key Authorization error, wrong key
101 Authorization block Your IP address locked less than 10 minutes, Please try later
102 Authorization block Your IP address not from whitelist
110 Error method Wrong method
200 Error count Wrong proxies quantity, wrong amount or no quantity input
210 Error period Period error, wrong period input (days) or no input
219 Error proxy Rotating local Proxy Rotating local need about 'all', 'euro', 'asia', 'america', 'us' or ...
220 Error country Country error, wrong country input (iso2 for country input) or no input
221 Error version Version not found, wrong version input (version for version input) or no input
222 Error Over Whitelist IP allow You send IP over whitelist, Please check your IP or contact support
223 Error IP Valid Error IP Valid
230 Error ids Error of the list of the proxy numbers. Proxy numbers have to divided with comas
231 Error Time Rotating Time rotating need range from 1 to 60 minutes
233 Error Local Rotating Local need about 'all', 'euro', 'asia', 'america', 'us' or ...
240 Error ids not found Proxy Id or Package not found or expired
250 Error descr Tech description error
260 Error type Proxy type (protocol) error. Incorrect or missing
260 Error Proxy protocol type Proxy type (protocol) error. Incorrect or missing
261 Error time Proxy type need from one of 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'month'
262 Error Username Check Username, Username must length from 6 to 24 characters and only letters and numbers
263 Error Passwords Check password, password must length from 6 to 24 characters and only letters and numbers
300 Error active proxy allow Proxy amount error. Appears after attempt of purchase of more proxies than available on the service
400 Error no money Balance error. Zero or low balance on your account
404 Error not found Element error. The requested item was not found
410 Error price Error calculating the cost. The total cost is less than or equal to zero

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